VIDEO: Lions' pivotal poser as month of derbies looms
Today at 06:45 AM
Lions coach Ivan van Rooyen is continuing his search for an authoritative game driver at No.10, despite trying out five players at flyhalf in 12 games this season.
Kade Wolhuter (four starts), Nico Steyn, a regular scrumhalf that started at No.10 against the Dragons, Sanele Nohamba (another scrumhalf, turned utility) started against Zebre, Sam Francis (starting in the last six games) were all sampled.
Nohamba also had several runs in the No.10 channel as a replacement, while Gianni Lombard featured as a replacement in the last quarter against the Bulls last week.
It may well be related, but after an unbeaten start to the season - four consecutive wins against Ulster, Edinburgh, Dragons and Zebre - their season started to unravel.
Losses to Leinster, Munster and Ospreys, were followed by a rare win (over Section Paloise), and more defeats against the Stormers and Montpellier, before they beat the Dragons.
Last week's loss to the Bulls at Ellis Park highlighted the inconsistencies that have troubled the Ellis Park-based franchise since late October.
Now they are faced with a month off South African derbies, the opposition they often struggle against.
They host the Stormers at Ellis Park on February 15, and travel to Loftus Versfeld to face the Bulls (on February 22), followed by back-to-back URC encounters with the Sharks (Ellis Park, March 1 and Kings Park, March 8).
(Continue below ...)
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Having given Francis an extended run, the question is if the youngster is the answer to their pivotal conundrum.
The Lions' coach, Van Rooyen, admitted Francis' kicking success rate might be an area for remedial work and some of his option-taking could be better.
However, his general game has been 'decent'.
"His organisational skills are good and he keeps developing those aspects," Van Rooyen said, adding: "His game management is also being refined."
At 21, Francis is the future of the Lions in a pivotal role.
"It is a lot of responsibility."
(WATCH as Lions coach Ivan van Rooyen discusses his options at flyhalf ahead of a month of crucial domestic derbies in the URC.....)
However, the coach is not simply going to back the youngster blindly.
Wolhuter, returning from injury, missed the Bulls game through illness.
Utility back Nohamba was also unwell last week.
Lubabalo Dobela, 26, who joined from Griquas this season, looks set to get his first run in the No.10 channel in a 'practice match' against the Pumas this coming weekend.
"He [Dobela] could offer something different on attack," Van Rooyen said.
"It is not a reflection on Sam [Francis], but we need to get a No.10 that drives the team hard."
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