Van Rooyen outlines 'non-negotiable' for Lions

The Lions will have to deliver a much better performance if they want to book a playoff spot in the European Challenge Cup competition.

The Johannesburg franchise's hopes of reaching the round of 16 took a massive blow thanks to a 5-28 defeat to Montpellier on Saturday.

The result leaves  Montpellier at top of the Pool 2 and they have qualified for the playoffs, while the Lions are currently fifth with five points.

The South Africans will have to secure a win over the Dragons in the final match of the pool stages if they want to reach the last round of 16.

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The Lions host the Dragons next week at Ellis Park in Round Four and for Lions head coach Ivan van Rooyen, nothing other than a win would suffice.

"The defeat means that next week is a non-negotiable in terms of results to get a spot in playoffs," Van Rooyen told reporters after the loss to Montpellier in France.

"It will be our second home game in six games. It is important for us to find to pull it back at home. Important to find our feet get, settled in and put in some good performances.

"We have to get back home, rest and recover well and get the business done next week."

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Missed chances

It was a very frustrating evening in Frane's for the Lions, who only scored one try thanks to Quan Horn.

Van Rooyen's troops conceded four tries and struggled with Montpellier's attack.

The French side took a 7-0 lead at the break, however in the second half they scored three tries for the bonus-point win.

Van Rooyen admitted his team, who last played a match on December 21 (a 10-29 defeat to Stormers), looked a bit rusty.

"The first 15 minutes they [Montpelleir] came out of the blocks exceptionally well.

"We felt like a team who didn't play in two weeks," Van Rooyen said.

"In the first part of the second half, we adapted quite well to the pace of the game. Threw a couple of shots and scored a try.

"At half time, the feeling and discussion were we are in it, just one or two alterations where space is and how we want to play.

"But then later in the second half it felt like they got momentum and with that offloading game, it was truly hard to settle and get a grip of the game.

"They kept getting metres, the one try they scored was world-class in terms of offloads and support play.

"We created three or four good opportunities but could not manage to finish it."

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