Castres ends Euro drought with famous away win at Saracens
01/19/2025 01:34 PM
MATCH REPORT: Ambitious French club Castres Olympique scored their first away win in 12 years when they beat three-time European champions Saracens in a crunch Champions Cup match in London on Sunday.
It was very much a second-string Castres selection that outscored the England-laden Saracens team by 32-24.
The teams scored four tries each, but it was the boot of flyhalf Louis le Brun that carried the day for the French team - kicking three conversions and two penalties.
In contrast Saracens centre Alex Lozowski landed just two conversions.
[rp-mc-teams-match-summary id="242|943407|2025"][/rp-mc-teams-match-summary]
A double from Adrien Seguret gave Castres Olympique this historic win on the road.
Two tries apiece for Theo Dan and Ben Earl weren't enough to overturn the French side, with Theo Chabouni and Feibyan Tukino adding to their score in the second half, and a late penalty from Louis le Brun to secure the win.
With the bonus-point win, Castres moved up into second in Pool Three and will have a home Round of 16 tie, while Saracens will play away.
Saracens, with new England skipper Maro Itoje in the second row, finish fourth behind Munster and miss out on a home tie.
Castres got off to a flying start, Feibyan Tukino crossing within two minutes for Castres Olympique to stun their hosts.
The hosts responded quickly through Theo Dan, to level the score, but the visitors hit back again with Adrien Seguret.
Two tries from Ben Earl put Saracens back on track to go into the break 19-14 up.
The scorers
For Saracens
Tries: Dan 2, Earl 2
Cons: Lozowski 2
For Castres
Tries: Tukino, Seguret 2, Chabouni
Cons: Le Brun 3
Pens: Le Brun 2
Saracens: 15 Elliot Daly, 14 Tobias Elliott, 13 Alex Lozowski, 12 Nick Tompkins, 11 Rotimi Segun, 10 Fergus Burke, 9 Ivan van Zyl, 8 Tom Willis, 7 Ben Earl, 6 Juan Martin Gonzalez, 5 Hugh Tizard, 4 Maro Itoje (captain), 3 Fraser Balmain, 2 Theo Dan, 1 Eroni Mawi
Replacements: 16 Jamie George, 17 Phil Brantingham, 18 Marco Riccioni, 19 Nathan Michelow, 20 Toby Knight, 21 Gareth Simpson, 22 Olly Hartley, 23 Angus Hall
Castres: 15 Theo Chabouni, 14 Nathanael Hulleu, 13 Adrien Seguret (captain), 12 Andrea Cocagi, 11 Josaia Raisuqe, 10 Louis le Brun, 9 Gauthier Doubrere, 8 Feibyan Tukino, 7 Simon Meka, 6 Izzy Moore-Aiono, 5 Paul Jedrasiak, 4 Gauthier Maravat, 3 Nicolas Corato, 2 Pierre Colonna, 1 Lois Guerois-Galisson
Replacements: 16 Loris Zarantonello, 17 Wayan de Benedittis, 18 Aurelien Azar, 19 Romain Macurdy, 20 Yann Peysson, 21 Santiago Arata, 22 Joris Dupont, 23 Antoine Zeghdar
Referee: Andrea Piardi
Assistant referees: Clara Munarini, Lauren Jenner
TMO: Matteo Liperini
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