Sharks regret two 'lost' points
08/04/2024 01:00 AM
REACTION: The Sharks are 'disappointed' that they have lost two crucial points in the race to the Currie Cup play-offs.
Sharks and Pumas played to a thrilling 44-all draw in their Round Five Currie Cup match in Nelspruit at the weekend.
The two teams scored six tries each, with two late penalties - Bradley Davids in the 78th minute and Clinton Swart after the full-time hooter - adding to the drama.
It is that last kick that turned a potential five-point haul into just three points - leaving the Durban-based team outside the top four.
After a slow start that saw the Pumas race into a 24-3 lead before the half-hour mark, the Sharks dominated possession and territory.
However, a yellow card to veteran flyhalf Lionel Cronje allowed the home team, to stem the tide.
The late Swart penalty will be especially bitter after such an impressive comeback.
[rp-mc-teams-match-summary id="207|942422|2024"][/rp-mc-teams-match-summary]
"We are pleased that we can take three points home, but we need to play better," coach JP Pietersen said.
"We can't play a game of two halves.
"We need to start well and compete for 80 minutes."
Pietersen admitted the youthful nature of the team will have its issues, but the players showed "fight" and he wa convinced they are on the right path.
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"The exciting part about it is that these players are so young," the coach said.
"Eighty percent of this group is Under-23.
"They are learning and growing and that growth is immense.
"That is exciting as a coach."
He added that the number of youngsters coming through the ranks are exciting and augurs well for the future.
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