VIDEO - 'It's personal': Lions to throw punches in Bulls clash
Yesterday at 08:04 AM
SPOTLIGHT: A clash against the Bulls is "not a normal game" for the Lions.
It is a "personal" one.
That is the message from Ivan van Rooyen's side as they prepare for the latest derby in the United Rugby Championship.
The Round 10 clash at Ellis Park on Saturday will be the first meeting between the two sides this season after their Round Nine clash was moved to late February.
For the Lions, it is an opportunity to right the wrongs of last season when they suffered back-to-back defeats to the team from Pretoria.
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"It's massive for us players. It's fellow South Africans, it's guys that you know very well and guys that you play a lot against and it is personal," said Lions scrumhalf Morne van den Berg.
"It's the games that you want to play in. It's the games that you want to do good in and I think it is exciting for the public as well.
"There will definitely be extra energy and bigger collisions."
Van den Berg added: "The coaches don't have to say anything.
"It's been a while since we've got a chance to correct that performance," he said referring to their 10-25 defeat to the Bulls in their last meeting in February last year.
"It's not necessarily the result, but how we played that day.
"We've had some good learnings and we know what to expect and nothing needs to be said."
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Lions assistant coach Ricardo Loubscher is hoping his side can put the Bulls under pressure with their style of play.
"It's definitely not a normal game. It's always personal," said Loubscher.
"We don't want to make a big thing out of it and secondly, we just want to focus on what we are doing well.
"The Bulls will bring different strengths, but if way play according to our style, I think we will give ourselves an opportunity and hopefully we can throw punches on Saturday."
Meanwhile, Loubscher confirmed that Richard Kriel and Kade Wolhuter will be available for selection. However, Sibabalo Qoma still needs some time on the sidelines.
Flyhalf Sam Francis is also available for selection after leaving the field in the second half of his side's 60-10 win over the Dragons in the Challenge Cup.
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