Stormers make one big change to starting XV

TEAM ANNOUNCEMENT: Springbok loose forward Ben-Jason Dixon comes into the Stormers' starting line-up for their United Rugby Championship encounter with Zebre Parma on Saturday.

Dixon will start at blindside flank for the clash with the Italian side at the Stadio Sergio Lanfranchi.

Prop Sazi Sandi, scrumhalf Dewaldt Duvenage and fullback Warrick Gelant are all set to make their first appearances of the season from a replacements bench that also features loose forward Louw Nel, who will make his Stormers debut when he takes the field.

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Director of Rugby John Dobson said that after a full week of training in Italy, his team is determined to make every minute count in Parma.

"This has been a good week for us and we are all excited to see what this team can do against an in-form Zebre Parma side.

"The players coming in all bring something unique that will hopefully see us lift our standards across the board on Saturday.

"We will have to be as sharp as ever and make the most of every opportunity that comes our way.

"It is a challenge we are all looking forward to," he said.

Stormers: 15 Damian Willemse, 14 Suleiman Hartzenberg, 13 Ruhan Nel, 12 Dan du Plessis (captain), 11 Leolin Zas, 10 Jurie Matthee, 9 Paul de Wet, 8 Keke Morabe, 7 Ben-Jason Dixon, 6 Marcel Theunissen, 5 Ruben van Heerden, 4 JD Schickerling, 3 Neethling Fouche, 2 Joseph Dweba, 1 Sti Sithole.
Replacements: 16 Andre-Hugo Venter, 17 Brok Harris, 18 Sazi Sandi, 19 Adre Smith, 20 Louw Nel, 21 Dewaldt Duvenage, 22 Warrick Gelant, 23 Angelo Davids.

Date: Saturday, October 5
Venue: Stadio Sergio Lanfranchi, Parma
Kick-off: 20.35 (20.35 SAST; 18.35 GMT)
Referee: Chris Busby (Ireland)
Assistant referees: Fillipo Russo (Italy), Franco Rosella (Italy)
TMO: Mark Patton (Ireland)

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