Star prop signs on for more in Cape Town

NEWS: The Stormers continue to build their squad, as they signed another prop on a long-term contract.

Experienced tighthead prop Neethling Fouché has signed a three-year contract extension with the Stormers.

Since joining the squad in 2018, Fouché has earned 88 Stormers caps along with 36 for Western Province and will add significantly to those having signed a new contract that will keep him in the blue and white until at least 2028.

Fouché has established himself as a key player for the Stormers, providing immense power and a carefully honed technique at scrum-time along with some neat touches around the park when required.

The 32-year-old has been a consistent performer for several years and has also stepped up to a leadership role.

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Despite significant interest from several overseas clubs, Fouché has committed his future to the Stormers which he believes will give him the best chance of representing his country.

Director of Rugby John Dobson said that he expects Fouché to become even more influential for the Stormers over the next three years.

"Neethling is an incredible team man and as a tighthead prop is coming into his prime, so we are looking forward to even bigger things from him," Dobson said.

"He competes with one of the greatest ever tightheads Frans Malherbe and keeps pushing his standards, so, understandably, many other teams would love to have a player of Neethling's stature in their squad.

"He is another player that has completely bought into the project here and plays a key role in helping develop the next generation of front-row stars, so we are thrilled to have him on our books for another three years," he added.

Fouché said that playing for the Stormers is something that he will never take for granted.

"Every time I put on the Stormers jersey I get quite emotional," he said, adding: "This team means the world to me and I honestly don't want to play my rugby anywhere else.

"Driving into work and staring at Table Mountain, I don't know where else you can get that.

"I have rubbed shoulders with some legends of the game here and will keep pushing myself to improve.

"This squad has the potential to achieve great things, we are only at the beginning."

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