AUDIO: Sharks target URC redemption after Euro horror show
Today at 03:45 AM
SPOTLIGHT: The injury-ravaged Sharks are desperate to salvage something from a season that could leave the high-priced franchise an agitated, tousled team.
The Durban-based outfit, with several of their high-profile Springboks still on the injury list, faces Cardiff in a United Rugby Championship crunch match at Arms Park on Saturday.
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Looking to regain the form that saw them win four matches in a row earlier in the season - before a horror run in Europe - they could jump to third on the URC standings.
Cardiff, on a five-match unbeaten run in the URC, is sitting pretty in third place on the URC standings - with wins over Ulster and the Dragons (twice) and a draw with Ospreys.
Both teams find themselves in similarly desperate positions after suffering defeats in their last two matches in the Champions Cup and Challenge Cup respectively.
Little separates them on the URC standings.
Third-placed Cardiff (28 points) have four log points more than the visitors from South Africa.
However, the fifth-placed Durbanites have a game in hand.
Adding to this, the KwaZulu-Natalians have scored only five more points than the Welshman on attack, while the home side has conceded five points fewer.
The biggest challenge for the Sharks is their dismal away record.
Their only win outside of Durban was a 33-30 win over the basement-based Dragons in at Round Three match at Rodney Parade in Newport.
In Europe's top tier, the Champions Cup, the Sharks' only win was the Round One victory over the struggling Exeter Chiefs (39-21).
Their away games were a 17-56 loss to Leicester Tigers and this past Sunday's 12-66 humiliation against Bordeaux.
They also lost 8-20 to Stade Toulousain at home - giving them an aggregate 76-163 (19-41) scoreline at Europe's top table.
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Double World Cup-winning Springbok Bongi Mbonambi said the weather in Cardiff is a 'tad' better than what they experienced in Bordeaux last week.
"I'm still missing Durban's warm and sunny weather," the 34-year-old hooker said.
Looking forward to the resumption of the URC - after three successive defeats, including last Sunday's horror show (12-66 loss) in Bordeaux - he said they are determined to end their trip with a win.
"This game is a big one," he said about the importance of ending their losing streak in Europe.
Having only arrived in Cardiff late on Monday, after the Sunday game in France, they have a disrupted week in Wales.
"It was a disappointing week in Bordeaux," Mbonambi said, adding: "We have to put that behind us.
"We have learnt our lessons and refocusing on the URC.
"Cardiff is also doing well in the URC, so we will have to come up with a plan that gets us the win.
"The coaches and players are working hard together to come up with a winning plan."
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