VIDEO: Bulls not getting the best out of Willie at flyhalf?

SPOTLIGHT: Bulls wing Sebastian de Klerk believes there has been a bigger focus on Willie le Roux's mistakes by media and fans since he moved to the flyhalf role.

With Johan Goosen out injured, the Springbok fullback started in the all-important flyhalf position in the Bulls' derbies against the Stormers [a 33-32 win] and Sharks [a 19-29 defeat] recently and it hasn't been the smoothest of transitions.

Judging from the veteran's overall performance at No.10, the Bulls might be better served if they move him back to the fullback position for the upcoming clash against the Lions at Ellis Park.

Le Roux is a much more dangerous player when he joins the attacking line from the fullback position and he also has more time and space to make key decisions.

While much of the spotlight has been on Le Roux, De Klerk admitted that his team has fallen short in other areas of the game as well.

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"Personally, I haven't played a game with Willie at No.10, but I feel he is suitable for that position," De Klerk told reporters on Tuesday.

"He has excellent vision when it comes to the kicking game and he understands momentum very well.

"I think the last game was a bad reflection because we lost in a lot of other areas.

"It's easy to look for things that went wrong and say Willie is playing out of position. However, when he plays at No.15, look at how many carries he does at flyhalf, so I don't think he feels out of position.

"I think it is just small things like defence and when he must recycle [on attack] and when he should not. That takes time to learn.

"We have a lot of confidence in Willie, and everyone knows the value that he brings to our squad and our team.

"When he is on the field, there is a calmness in the team because he says the right things at the right times."

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De Klerk says the players around Willie in the backline are doing their best to paint a picture for him when it comes to the attacking side of things.

"I can't stress enough how important Willie is for the Bulls and that is a point that I want to bring through," De Klerk added.

"He is someone who gets a lot of criticism and too little praise for what he has done for our country.

"He identifies space and he will tell you to do things and he has experience when it comes to knowing what works.

"I think the communication from the outside [backs] is there and I think the players are giving him the important information. We have good communication.

"Because Willie is so good, I think people focus more on his mistakes than what he is doing right.

"If you look at last weekend's game [against the Sharks], there were a few occasions in the backfield when he did great work to create space.

"I think those are the things people forget about quickly and it's that small details that make him so good."

By Warren Fortune and Annemie Bester


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