Stormers camp prepping for Le Roux at No.10

SPOTLIGHT: It seems like the idea to start Willie le Roux in the Bulls' No.10 jersey could materialize this Saturday in Cape Town.

The double World Cup winner  Le Roux has been linked with a move to Premiership club Bath, coached by Johann van Graan, at the end of the season.

However, according to Rapport the deal has collapsed as the veteran Springbok could stay at the Bulls for another season and be given the flyhalf role.

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Le Roux recently showed his flyhalf prowess, spearheading the Bulls' attack off the bench during the 35-22 win over the Lions a fortnight ago.

The game was in the balance till the 50th minute - the Lions leading 17-13, but with the introduction of Le Roux at flyhalf along with Akker van der Merwe and Canan Moodie, the contest changed instantly.

The Pretoria side scored three tries in a 10-minute blitz to take control of a game that had the potential to go pear-shaped.

Le Roux's cameo at flyhalf handed Bulls Director of Rugby Jake White a lot to think about ahead of a series of challenging South African derbies, which kicks off this weekend against Stormers away before visits to Loftus for the Sharks, Stormers and Lions.

At the moment Johan Goosen is the first-choice flyhalf, but he is regularly out due to injuries and will be sidelined for up to 12 weeks,  Boeta Chamberlain has been struggling to find form since joining the team at the start of the season and Scotland international Jaco van der Walt has had very limited game time.

This leaves Le Roux as the most viable option for the crucial fixture in Cape Town.

When asked about Le Roux possibly starting at 10 this weekend, Stormers assistant coach Norman Laker stated: "Willie is from Strand and he went to Paul Roos, there are only talented people from the Strand and Paul Roos.

"I am sure he can play 10.

"He is a world-class player. He played 98 Test matches for Springboks."

Le Roux has played the majority of his rugby at fullback and occasionally on the wing in his early days. He has filled in at flyhalf in the Springbok team in the past.

"He started at wing for the Springboks and moved to fullback and to play 98 Tests is phenomenal," Laker said.

"I think he and Percy Montgomery shared the 15 jersey for having 80 caps.

"With his experience, as a first receiver for the Springboks, he played a lot in that role by distributing.

"His tactical kicking is really good and he has a calm head.

"He is a quality rugby player and he can slot in at 10 and 15."

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