Business as usual for Stormers
12/24/2024 02:59 AM
SPOTLIGHT: With Christmas day falling in the middle of the week, Stormers forwards coach Rito Hlungwani revealed the revised approach towards his team's training schedule as well as their methods on preparing for teams.
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"We prepare the same for all teams," Hlungwani said.
"We can't control who they [Sharks] select.
"We just want to be better.
"Our preparation is based on what we want to do well and the small things we feel we can improve on."
Hlungwani shared insight on how the Stormers manage shorter weeks, be it a short turnaround in-between matches or in this instance an important holiday falling on a usual training day.
"When I came here the forwards were doing lineouts and they missed one.
"I told them they must come on Christmas," a chirping Hlungwani said.
"We're training today [Monday] and tomorrow [Tuesday] and then again on Friday."
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The forwards boss doesn't believe that it's any disruption for his side as they have done shorter weeks before for various reasons.
"Not at all, we've had many weeks where we just trained two days.
"It's not the first time we've had that.
"Sometimes we do that for load management so it's nothing new.
"Nothing to be concerned about from our point of view.
"We are still able to go through everything in terms of detailed preparation and intensity training.
"It's nothing we're concerned about."
Despite their win over the Lions on Saturday, the Stormers remains in 13th spot on the URC table, but are now just a mere seven competition points behind from the fourth placed Sharks.
Hlungwani highlighted the importance of getting a positive result and possible maximum points to get to a top eight position.
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"We definitely want to go out and do our best to win.
"It does change the way the season looks for us.
"It's extremely important for us.
"We'll do anything and everything in our power to make sure we're prepared to get the result we want."